Monday, December 30, 2019

Feliz Navidad Y Año Nuevo!!

I know I know I'm about to say it yet again - I don't have a lot of time this week - BUT don't worry because once the holidays are over we'll be back onto our normal schedules and have the full time to write on Mondays (we only get 1 hour this week and last because we call the fam on the holiday itself).

It's been an awesome first few weeks in the mission! Pretty much the typical first struggles that missionaries have, hardly (if at all) being able to understand the people, being SUPER tired in the mornings and struggling to stay awake during study, struggling to speak the language and have the confidence to make mistakes, but I am working on it!!

These holidays have been super busy and super weird as far as the missionary work goes. For Christmas we had a multi-zone conference with the mission president and their family which was AWESOME. They strengthened our faith with a beautiful Christmas program and President Strong taught us some real cool doctrine and encouraged us and guided us in the work. Then we had lots of fun Christmas activities led by his family like a white elephant (it turns out 5 soles of bread could feed one missionary for two weeks), gingerbread houses, and other games. Honestly I was longing for home and to be with my family and loved was for the good part of it, but looking back I am so glad that we were able to all come together as a mission family and it makes me happy.

All the people here are so giving, I cannot tell you how many times members have offered us Paneton (fruit bread which is actually amazing) and Hot Chocolate (which is just as good in the summers even though you're trying not to sweat into it) and how many times Elder Peterson and I have said we're afraid we'll get fat if we don't run it off in the morning. Also just a hot tip: if you're eating with members and you say yes when they ask you if you want a little more of something, they'll give you a whole other meal to finish off your meal.

My area is pretty awesome and I've come to love it and the people already. The members always treat us like family and are so warm and welcoming. You do have to watch out for all the dogs on every single street but so far I've only been barked at so it's all good pero ahorita tengo miedo de los perros un poco, lo siento Lucy!

We have a baptism set for this Saturday!! Claudia is an investigator who had already been taught and invited to be baptized by Elder Peterson and his old companion but it is still super exciting for me! Teaching her (and most people honestly) is a little difficult because once you ask someone about something in their life (or some people just any little thing) they'll talk for the rest of the appointment but that just gives me tons of practice to try and understand.

Since the first day I've been really trying to focus on listening to the people, not trying to form my words as their talking or thinking about what to say but rather just listening and understanding and I've seen so much progress already. There are people that I just can. not. understand. no matter how hard I try or focus on their words. But these past few days, I've already been able to get the gist of what they say or ask me or anything and actually make semi-decent conversation which is a huge blessing of the Lord.

Another interesting thing that happened is that we have been visiting with a less active member to try and reactivate him and strengthen him and his family and last week he told us that in the past he had a friend who was into witchcraft and so he started doing it with him and he had these curse rocks or something when the Elders first visited him (which they promptly had him throw away) and could feel an internal struggle in his mind and nightmares of opposition when the Elders were working with him. It was pretty freaky and there's actually a lot of those kind of things down here. Related we were with a member family who told us they were being disturbed by evil spirits or presences in their home and had us bless their home for them. It's super interesting and I don't doubt that there's things like that out there.

Anyways that's almost all the time I've got to write, I hope all of you had an amazing Christmas and that you'll have a safe and joyful new years! Let me know how you're all doing so I can pray for you!

Elder Pollock

Monday, December 23, 2019

Feliz Navidad!

I have approximately 0 minutes to write this now BUT I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!! I might be able to write more on Wednesday.

I hope you all are doing so well and having the best of times and the best of holidays, always remember that I'm praying for all of you!

It's been a crazy and fun and at times a little difficult first week but I have seen the bountifulness of the blessings of the Lord. My companion is awesome and we are already seeing great success this transfer!

Con Cariño,
Elder Pollock

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

1st Day in the Field!

To:you + 23 more Details
Hello All!!!
I just arrived in the field today! I don't have a lot of time to write so I'll keep this a little short:

It was sad to say goodbye to my district at the MTC, we all bonded so much in those 5 weeks and became so close. I already miss all the little inside jokes we had between everyone and for every other person BUT I am SO EXCITED to be out here in the field!! It turns out that my entire mission is about 12 square miles, making it literally the smallest mission in the world (besides temple square but that doesn't count). My first area is called San Martin and my companion's name is Elder Peterson and he's been out here for 15 months. It's definitely already a big transition from the Lima CCM to here but I can't even imagine what the people from the Provo MTC are experiencing. Our mission president and his wife are AMAZING, they are so loving and one of the things they stress most here is that we are all one big family in the Lima Central Mission and they clearly have such a christlike love for every single missionary. I am really exhausted and they are letting us get to bed early tonight so that we can catch up and possibly have a little energy tomorrow.

I already am starting to love my area, it's a whole slew of new experiences, people, culture, language, and pretty much just about everything and so it will take a little bit to adjust but I know that as I rely on the Lord for comfort and strength and devote my efforts to Him, He will always provide. I promise you all that He can and will always do the same for you, so long as you turn to Him.

I pray for you all, and I hope you're doing so well! I'll have pictures next week.

Elder Pollock
(Also, turns out I don't know Spanish)

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Last day at the MTC

To:you + 23 more Details

WOW okay my time in the MTC has absolutely flown by. I actually can't believe that I am leaving for the field in just 6 days!!

This past week has been pretty awesome, there's nothing in particular that has made it so but it's just been really good! We got new teachers and at first our district was worried because we had such amazing teachers the first 3 weeks and didn't know how it could possibly get any better but SOMEHOW we managed to get what I can only describe as the funnest and most productive classes that I've ever had. At first it was difficult because our teachers only speak spanish and the one in the morning in particular speaks ridiculously fast, but we've come so far in being able to understand Spanish and sound more fluent when we are speaking and feel much more confident as we teach. At the same time, they also make the classroom so fun. We love to joke around and one of our teachers just says "apostasía" whenever we get distracted or anything which is now one of my favorite words. You can tell they really care about us and want us to be successful.

So the way Sundays work around here is that every missionary prepares a talk in Spanish about a topic in an assigned lesson in Preach My Gospel and the president of the branch announces who's talking at the beginning of the meeting. On Saturday night I finished writing my talk and was so satisfied with my work and honestly WANTED to get called up so I could share it with everyone. I get to the meeting and it's started and everything and I realize I LEFT MY TALK IN MY ROOM so naturally the branch president announces my name as the first Elder to speak in the meeting. I was definitely a little panicked. But this experience helped me become so much more confident in my Spanish and in the gift of tongues because as I relied on the Lord for help I was able to give my talk teaching about the restoration of the gospel with my only resource being unmarked English scriptures and what I remembered from writing the night before and afterwards be told by everyone how they loved and appreciated it. "BAM the gift of tongues is true" - Presidente Michelson

Scriptural Thought: Alma 37:6,7 - "Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise. And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes; and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls". For me, there have been many times where I have been caught up waiting for "great things", and I haven't payed attention to the small and simple things by which Heavenly Father works. When waiting for these great things (like trying to learn an entire language), it's so easy to get frustrated and confused as to why you just can't seem to get there, but as I've tried to focus and appreciate those very small means I have not just seen the progress that I've made and the blessings I've received but have been so much more motivated to make even more progress and have received even greater blessings as I've appreciate the smaller ones.

My district is hilarious. We watched "The Testaments" 2 Sundays ago and haven't stopped quoting it sense and now just have inside jokes galore. Somehow Elder Solum and Elder Jensen laughed for 10 minutes straight about a backwards "S", which I am still confused about. There are also some mind games that have been passed down since 3 years ago that we are continuing to pass down to the "next generation". Also Elder Murray has an uncle who literally lives in a container and so he always talks about how he wants to move to Australia, buy a container and live in it hunting spiders and we can all have a CCM district reunion in his container.

I am so excited to go out into the field so soon. It's difficult sometimes here as we're just preparing to teach others and aren't really able to do too much missionary work but as I remind myself of my purpose as I'm learning I always feel super motivated and want to consecrate all my time and effort to the Lord that he can prepare me to bring people happiness and peace in their lives. I am so grateful for this opportunity to completely dedicate myself to the Lord in this time, and to become so dependent on Him for everything in my life. 2 Nephi 4:20 - My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep", just as Lehi, whenever we rely on God and his support (through his revealed gospel, the prophets of old and of these latter-days, truly being converted unto him in thoughts actions and heart), he will lead us through all of our afflictions and (2 Nephi 4:21) "He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh".

You are all in my prayers, and please never be afraid to turn to God, our loving Heavenly Father, in all things, in happiness and struggles. He will support you. Next time you hear from me I'll be in the city, bringing all this message of joy!

Elder Pollock

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Week 3

Somehow this is my second to last Pday in the MTC which is crazy, it's what everyone says but the time has gone by so quickly even though my "normal" life feels like so long ago.

This week there hasn't been any crazy events that happened like going out into the field but all of the missionaries that were here before us and the Latinos that were here for 3 weeks just left last night. We were all sad to see them go but they were all beaming and smiling from ear to ear because they're going out to their actual missions and starting their service which I think all of us here at the MTC can relate to.

Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, LOVES soccer here. We have an hour everyday of physical activity and we always just go and have a big game of soccer and one of my favorite things now is just juggling. The latinos have been teaching me but I'm nowhere NEAR as good as Jordan yet, but maybe by the time I'm out of the MTC haha.

My district is so hilarious, everyone agrees that if it wasn't for out district we would all be having the hardest time. All the other Elders are fresh out of highschool and I had almost forgotten how much I matured in college until everyone started casting spells from Harry Potter using their pens as wands.

Also our teacher got MARRIED last week and everyone was so excited for him and were jealous that we couldn't take a class field trip to his sealing but he is so so so happy.

We also had thanksgiving this week which was awesome! The servers were all wearing super tall hats and they made us an amazing thanksgiving meal with all of our favorite american foods (oh and more rice) and they carved melons into turkeys and made these intricate cute desserts and it just brought a little bit of home to the CCM. All us missionaries were super happy and it was an awesome surprise.

I hope you're all doing so well!! You're all in my prayers, and let me know if there's anything you'd like me to pray for or anything at all I could do for you!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Hello All WEEK 2!!

OKAY the past week has been amazing and while it has gone by so fast I feel like SO MUCH has happened. It's like everyone says the days go by like weeks and the weeks like days.

I'll start with the most recent news, last night, two Elders went home from the CCM. It was really really hard to see them go. One was from my district and he went home for health reasons and as I counseled with him everyone agreed that once he's taken care of it he'll be right back out. I was completely fine until he gathered his things and walked out of class. As soon as he was gone I just started bawling in front of my district and all which is a little embarrassing but it helped me to understand how important this work is and what it means for someone to go home. It showed me the love I have for my district already even without me realizing I had it. I feel like I understand Christ's love for us so much more through this service. Please keep these Elders in your prayers, they'll both be coming right back out real soon.

So every Sunday we have the opportunity to have choir practice for an hour and a half and it is one of my favorite parts of the week. The spirit is so strong and I absolutely love bearing my testimony and hearing the testimony of others through singing. My Favorite Song was: Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing. GO LISTEN TO IT, from the BYU choir or from general conference it doesn't matter because they are both breathtaking. I hadn't really heard it before but it has a special spirit that accompanies it.

On Saturday all of the missionaries serving in Peru were able to go out into the field and spend the afternoon with the missionaries in the Lima Tambo mission, meaning that I was able to already do REAL MISSIONARY WORK so soon and early and it gave me such great motivation and the best part is the part that I was serving in is soon going to be part of the Lima Central Mission (MY MISSION) and I just knew that it is where I am meant to serve. Here are some pictures of us with our companions for the day:


My feet already started hurting from all the walking and the "buses" (vans with many seats and overflowing with people) were real interesting but it was super fun! These Elders were both originally in the Lima Central Mission and they told us how AMAZING the mission president and his wife are. They celebrate all the holidays and have tons of mission wide events. Like for Christmas they have presents for everyone which is so sweet and I'm excited to serve under their direction.

They feed us really well here at the CCM, everyone jokes that the whole mission you're just working off the weight you gained in the CCM and I don't doubt it. I'm trying to get good at soccer again and learning how to juggle from all the latinos so I'm expecting to be a master at the end of the 5 weeks. Also something SO COOL is that later today we're blessed to have the opportunity to hear from Elder Bednar himself in person at the CCM and I am kind of freaking out because he's awesome.

You all make me so happy, and I hope that you're having the most wonderful day. I'm praying for all of you, and I've felt all your prayers and support. Thank you all.

To end off I want to share something I've studied this week: When Heavenly Father sent us here, He knew that we were going to make mistakes, and because He loves us so much, He sent His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to redeem us. Just imagine the heartbreak He felt when he couldn't "remove (that) cup" from Christ while he suffered for all of our sins. He has given us this so that we might return to Him. It's there for us always, we need only to use it.

Love you all!

Elder Pollock

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

First Week Through!!


I do not have much time but I will write fast!

I got to the MTC at around 4 AM the first night and so I was EXHAUSTED the first couple of days but I have adjusted really well. The first couple of days were hard but I am doing really well and I am really happy!!

Okay so the CCM is AMAZING! The food is delicious, it's a variety of rice, chicken (sometimes beef), and mashed potatoes almost every meal which is about what I expected. They treat us really well here, we have air conditioned rooms, its very clean, and the spirit is very strong here. It has given me peace and happiness and has helped me a whole lot. It is SO HUMID, we are right on the coast and we have to keep our windows open otherwise we would get mold in our shoes and everything.

It is a lot of work in the CCM, but you can feel the spirit working miracles in all the people, including the teachers, and I have already seen the gift of tongues in work. I've been able to have pretty decent conversations with the latinos but I have a long way to go.

On my first night here I was called to be the district leader! It is a lot of extra responsibilities and at first I was stressed but I've been able to recognize the blessings of helping others and being the example.

I hope you are all doing so well, I pray for each and every one of you. Please let me know if you would like me to pray about anything specific. I'll write you all next week!

Elder Pollock