Tuesday, December 17, 2019

1st Day in the Field!

To:you + 23 more Details
Hello All!!!
I just arrived in the field today! I don't have a lot of time to write so I'll keep this a little short:

It was sad to say goodbye to my district at the MTC, we all bonded so much in those 5 weeks and became so close. I already miss all the little inside jokes we had between everyone and for every other person BUT I am SO EXCITED to be out here in the field!! It turns out that my entire mission is about 12 square miles, making it literally the smallest mission in the world (besides temple square but that doesn't count). My first area is called San Martin and my companion's name is Elder Peterson and he's been out here for 15 months. It's definitely already a big transition from the Lima CCM to here but I can't even imagine what the people from the Provo MTC are experiencing. Our mission president and his wife are AMAZING, they are so loving and one of the things they stress most here is that we are all one big family in the Lima Central Mission and they clearly have such a christlike love for every single missionary. I am really exhausted and they are letting us get to bed early tonight so that we can catch up and possibly have a little energy tomorrow.

I already am starting to love my area, it's a whole slew of new experiences, people, culture, language, and pretty much just about everything and so it will take a little bit to adjust but I know that as I rely on the Lord for comfort and strength and devote my efforts to Him, He will always provide. I promise you all that He can and will always do the same for you, so long as you turn to Him.

I pray for you all, and I hope you're doing so well! I'll have pictures next week.

Elder Pollock
(Also, turns out I don't know Spanish)

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