Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Week 3

Somehow this is my second to last Pday in the MTC which is crazy, it's what everyone says but the time has gone by so quickly even though my "normal" life feels like so long ago.

This week there hasn't been any crazy events that happened like going out into the field but all of the missionaries that were here before us and the Latinos that were here for 3 weeks just left last night. We were all sad to see them go but they were all beaming and smiling from ear to ear because they're going out to their actual missions and starting their service which I think all of us here at the MTC can relate to.

Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, LOVES soccer here. We have an hour everyday of physical activity and we always just go and have a big game of soccer and one of my favorite things now is just juggling. The latinos have been teaching me but I'm nowhere NEAR as good as Jordan yet, but maybe by the time I'm out of the MTC haha.

My district is so hilarious, everyone agrees that if it wasn't for out district we would all be having the hardest time. All the other Elders are fresh out of highschool and I had almost forgotten how much I matured in college until everyone started casting spells from Harry Potter using their pens as wands.

Also our teacher got MARRIED last week and everyone was so excited for him and were jealous that we couldn't take a class field trip to his sealing but he is so so so happy.

We also had thanksgiving this week which was awesome! The servers were all wearing super tall hats and they made us an amazing thanksgiving meal with all of our favorite american foods (oh and more rice) and they carved melons into turkeys and made these intricate cute desserts and it just brought a little bit of home to the CCM. All us missionaries were super happy and it was an awesome surprise.

I hope you're all doing so well!! You're all in my prayers, and let me know if there's anything you'd like me to pray for or anything at all I could do for you!

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