Monday, March 2, 2020

"Elder Chicken Party"

- Elder Pampa´s nickname for me that has become common tongue for my entire zone

Another awesome week as a missionary of Jesus Christ!
One night Elder Mamani and I were DEAD tired, and we found ourselves in a family home evening with a recently reactivated member family, after watching a few church videos and sharing a message it was already 9:10 PM - almost time to head home - and the family put on ¨Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration ̈ , which if we watched it would put us well over our time limit for visiting a family. We just decided to say a prayer, get up, and go out proselyting as we should even though it was really tempting to stay those last 20 minutes and watch, and within 2 minutes we found an old reference that we had been looking for the past 4 weeks! That truly showed my companion and I the importance of obedience in the mission!!

This week we extended a date for Mari-Luz to be baptized!! We were really excited, until 2 days afterwards we found out that she up and moved back with her other family. BUT she left us with a message to send the missionaries to her home over there so she can continue down the covenant path and that she´ll come back and attend church here next summer as well! Also on this front, our little zone of 16 Elders we already have 21 baptismal dates for the month of March!!

This week has been FULL of finding new people to teach for Elder Mamani and I, so much so that it´s felt like a whirlwind trying to keep up and visit them all! There is one in particular named Fred, a reference who we have been looking for the past 5 weeks with no success - UNTIL YESTERDAY! We were walking in between citas and Elder Mamani just had the prompting that we should pass by for him, and there he was! He told us that this entire time his intercom has been broken and that he´s been waiting for us this entire time and that he want´s to be married with his wife (a member) for all time and eternity and do all he can to reach that point. He has a TON of faith in Christ, he has already turned around his life from rock bottom and truly is a seeker of the truth, and we are so happy to finally guide him to it.

How are you all doing? Let me know if there´s anything that you all need or that I can pray for!

Elder Pollock (or as all the Elders here lovingly call me, Elder Chicken Party)

OH and how could I forget, WE WENT TO THE ZOO TODAY!! ACTUALLY NATURE - there is literally NO greenery here in San Martin and most of my mission and I missed it oh so much. Aquí tiene algunas fotos:

1. Thank you for the Valentine´s Day package fam!!

2. A ¨Brown Bear¨

3. Mi Compi y yo, disfrutando la naturaleza
4. REAL old part of a Book of Mormon in braille they found in the offices
5. We also found Dr. Pepper in a Supermarket near the offices (We went to the offices for E. Mamani´s visa). I was very excited!

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