Monday, March 9, 2020

Elder Pollock, How do you know the church is true?

So Elder Pollock, How do you know the Church is true?

That is a FANTASTIC question. Okay so it all started when I was born. Nah mentiras - pero tenemos un miembro que hizo eso en un noche de hogar y Elder Mamani escribió en su agenda ¨HELP ME¨ to have me end it which was fun. Anyways, testimony time:

I can definitely say now that I know this church is true. (I´m going to go on a little bit of a funky trip here about some truth and SO sorry if it´s a little confusing)
As you already know I was raised in the church, or as I like to say I was raised in the knowledge of the truth. And I don ́t say that meaning that I´ve known that it´s all true since mi juventud, rather that I am really grateful that I was raised in the church so I can have all the knowledge and experience in it I have now. The only way that anyone can for a surety that something is true is from the very source of truth itself, that being God. All that is truth in this world comes from Him. All of the laws of science come from him. All material has been proved in the creation to obey these laws of science, or rather these laws set by God, and will continue to obey him forever as they have already seen their period of testing. The question is, how do WE know about these laws that they obey? Well, over a ridiculous period of time we have been on this Earth and we are a curious people, and so, we conduct EXPERIMENTS. Through time and trials we have repeated these experiments and have continually tested until we came to the knowledge of these laws, the knowledge of these truths set for all material to follow.

We do the EXACT same in order to find out for ourselves the truths of the gospel. Even as Alma invited the poor and lowly in heart among the Zoramites: But behold, if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith, yea, even if ye can no more than adesire to believe, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words. (Alma 32:27)
This experiment can be a little difficult for people, it was a little difficult for me, because the results aren´t the familiar physical change of color when chemicals are added to substances, but rather they come in a way that we can exercise our faith in Him. Feelings and thoughts. I personally would LOVE to have an angel appear right before me and pronounce that THESE THINGS ARE TRUE, and hey, if it happens I definitely wont be complaining, but I am satisfied with this: As I have lived the commandments of God, I have experienced the promised joy and peace, the promised blessings spiritually as well as temporally, and I know that they are good and of God because of these experiments. But what´s more, I´ve followed the invitation that we give to every single person who we meet. I have prayed to God, the source of all truth, and asked him about the truthfulness of this church. Honestly, I´m still trying to understand exactly how he speaks to me (as the prophet invited us in the recent video: How do we hear Him? Try to hear him 1. Stronger and 2. More frequently), but I can tell you that he has answered my prayers. He´s allowed me to know as I´ve testified to these people that these things are true by the testimony of the Holy Ghost. Those moments which I can only describe as a swelling of the heart, an indescribably peace and feeling of joy. I hope that you have been able to have them too. Also I´m well out of time but I hope that you have an AMAZING week and that maybe this little message will strengthen you even more. I know that we will have a real long time to lift each other up and strengthen each other :) Stay Safe please!!! I am constantly praying for you and I hope you´ve been able to feel the power of those prayers. Nos Esperamos Pronto!!

Elder Pollock

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