Monday, January 27, 2020


Hola a todos!! Okay this may sound crazy but - IT'S ALREADY TIME FOR MY FIRST CHANGE!! We got a big surprise last night getting a call from our zone leader telling us the Elder Peterson (my trainer) se va and that I'll be getting a new trainer. This hardly EVER happens that they change your trainer and both Elder Peterson and I are bummed because we really really got along and have been seeing so much success in our area that he is going to miss the last little bit for alot of the people we are teaching which is a big shame.

Sorry I just ran out of time because I took some good time para escribir mis padres but I'll be updating y'all more in the following week! here's some quick highlights:


We had an family home evening with the whole STAKE which was went WAY good, a whole lot of the people we are teaching came and they are so ready to receive this gospel.

I hope you are all having an amazing week!!! I'll talk to y'all soon!!

Elder Pollock

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